Good Morning G2 Nation,
That’s a bit of a mouthful all together. Did you read that in my vlog voice?
Anyway – We have ventured into AL7 land for the pelican, not sure why I waited so long. We went with 7068 instead of the normal 7075 – its better for anodizing/blasting and it was only about a gram heavier not almost two. I was worried about it being a bit too heavy and 66 plus, but it’s NOT! It feels great, no thud just a bit of extra spin but no extra lag. It’s really like most things, you need to try them to feel it yourself, my words over the internet aren’t going to really express the play.

You can see the beautiful diamond blast here in the photo. It feels as good as it looks!
These will be going out to June patreon backers first, followed by normal operations for the extra from a patreon specific run. The soul members get theirs, then other backers get the chance to buy one if they want, any extra after that will make it to G2 Nation on FB. Do yourself a favor and grab a soul spot on if you want a yoyo every month, we have some great items coming up! Cough warthog cough.

That is all I have for you today. We will chat soon. If you didn’t already checkout the video on these, it was a fun one.
- Jake